Frequently Asked Questions - General Information

Is it safe to make payments/input my personal details on mySAFRA?

Absolutely! mySAFRA uses SSL/password-protected accounts to safeguard the transmission of your personal information over the web. As for monetary transactions, information is protected using a private and secured line to NETS.

What is SAFRA?

SAFRA was formed in 1972 to provide for the social and recreational needs of national servicemen and their families through quality sports, social, educational and cultural programmes to recognise national servicemen for their contributions to national defence. SAFRA currently has a network of six clubs conveniently located in Jurong, Mount Faber, Punggol, Tampines, Toa Payoh and Yishun, as well as at the Carpenter Street (Dining Club). Complementing the modern facilities at SAFRA clubs are a host of quality membership benefits and activities specially packaged for over 600,000 members and their families.

How do I get to SAFRA?

Please click here to find the locations of our clubs.